Tuesday, December 12, 2006


I remember quite clearly now when this story happened
The autumn leaves were floating and measured down to the ground
Recovering the lake where we used to swim like children
On the sun would dare to shine
That time we used to be happy But, I thought we were...
But the truth was that - you had been longing to leave me
Not daring to tell me
On that precious night watching the lake vaguely conscious
You said : our story was ending
Now I'm standing here no one to wipe away my tears
No one to keep me warm and no one to walk along with
No one to make me feel no one to make me hope
Oh ! what am I to do ?
I'm standing here alone it doesn't seem so clear to me
What am I supposed to do about this burning heart of mine
On what am I to do,
Or how should I react ? oh tell me please !

The rain was killing the last days of summer
You had been killing my last breath of love
Since a long time ago..
I still don't think I'm gonna make it through another love story
You took it all away from me
And there I stand , I knew I was gonna be the...
The one left behind
But still I'm watching the lake vaguely conscious
And I know - my life is ending

正快樂著或應該快樂的人們, 我不是故意要貼這樣一首悲傷到不行的歌曲. 我知道最近蠻多人都處於興奮開心的狀態. 不過今天開車聽著ICRT報新聞, 大概是關掉了平常有的音樂, 腦海卻浮現這首很久以前的歌曲, 一首漩渦一般的歌曲.

又要講到年代了, 我們這一輩或是更長個一二代的應該對齊豫不陌生. 這是齊豫的歌, 她的英文歌其實跟她的名字一樣有味道, 也許是因為他外文系的背景吧, 多了些莫名的浪漫. 這首歌出現在她的某張英文專輯裡, "Whoever Finds This, I Love You"那一張, 我的腦海一直確切地刻著這首歌的曲子, 是一種悲傷的漩渦, 或迴旋, 被吸進去但是無止盡的在裡面轉著圈.

今天一個早上就是這樣, 這首歌一直在我腦袋吟著卻找不到stop鍵...


Wendy said...

I love her songs very much and listened to her CD album often when I studied alone at the university. Her voice is full of isolation,loneness with deep mood.

茶包 said...

當我寫下"莫名的浪漫"幾個字, 其實是改過的, 原文是"Wendy會感興趣的那種浪漫"...

Wendy said...
